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Wednesday 19 March 2014

Cloak, an app to avoid friends

Tired of unwanted colleagues and friends who can spoil your date with your beloved if they find you nearby? Use this 'anti-social' app to avoid them.

Called Cloak, the app uses data to create an 'anti-social network,' letting users easily avoid people they are less keen to meet.

According to its developer Brian Moore and former Buzzfeed creative director Chris Baker, the app warns when acquaintances are nearby - and even alerts you if they come very close.

How does it work?

Photos of friends are displayed on a map relative to the user's location. The app then allows users to specify the contacts they really do not want to run into.

"Cloak lets you know where all your friends and non-friends are at all times so you never have to run into that special someone," the developers were quoted as saying in a Washington Post report.

"'Things like Twitter and Facebook are packed elevators where we are all crammed in together. I think anti-social stuff is on the rise," Baker was quoted as saying.

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