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Thursday 20 February 2014

Instagram another path to riches for Facebook?

Every quarter, Facebook executives go into great detail about the company's financial condition for investors: revenue, profits, user growth, new types of advertising, how many users log on via mobile devices, even whether Facebook is losing popularity with teenagers.

But they are strangely coy about Instagram, the mobile photo and video sharing service that Facebook bought in April 2012.

What's the plan for making money from Instagram? "We're still trying to learn what the right way to approach that product is, and we're going to move slowly because we think that's the right thing to do for Instagram," Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook's co-founder and chief executive, said last month during the company's quarterly earnings call as he dodged analysts pressing for more information.

Facebook is even reluctant to disclose basic facts, such as how many people use Instagram. Instagram's website states that it has 150 million active monthly users, but that figure was put out in September. A hint dropped in the earnings call suggested that the tally at the end of 2013 exceeded 180 million, up from 90 million at the end of 2012, but Facebook won't come out and say that directly.

But the company's silence doesn't hide what is becoming abundantly clear: Instagram is already growing like one of the beans in the Jack and the Beanstalk tale. With a little nurturing, it could grow to the sky.

That's certainly the assessment of a new study by L2, a retail analytics company based in New York, and Olapic, a New York startup that specializes in helping brands solicit and publish photos of their products that have been taken by ordinary users.

Instagram users are overwhelmingly young, wealthy and female, according to their research. About 58% use the service every day. The service is growing faster than any other major mobile app or social network, including Twitter and YouTube.

And most important for Instagram's future revenue potential, hundreds of the world's top brands, from fashion powerhouses like Gucci and Michael Kors to mass-market retailers like Macy's and Gap, are using Instagram to generate a lot of interest - and presumably, sales - from Instagram users.

Victoria's Secret, the lingerie retailer, has the biggest fan base of any brand L2 studied, with 3.9 million followers on the service. Chanel, which has no official presence on the site, has nevertheless attracted 5 million photos with the hashtag #chanel.

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